I have developed my own timetable / schedule for posts which is working really well. In the video I also reccommend that you watch the video from Organized Jen on her timetable and how she is scheduling in her regularly posting. She explains it so well and I don't want to reinvent the wheel! So just click here for her blog post and video combination.
Again this week there is home for you to complete if you would like to do so. Remember it is not compulsory, no one will know if you have done it or not. I am just setting prompts / tasks for you to help and motivate you in this series. Pick and choose each week whether you would like to do the homework or not it is entirely up to you! If you ever need to ask or clarify anything with me please do get in touch through any of the social media platforms.
1. Watch Organized Jen's video on her channel as linked above for more inspiration and ideas for your own schedule.
2. Sit down and look at your diary and personal / work schedules and work out what day / days would be best for you to post. Do you have an idea for a weekly post? Walking Wednesdays for example. If the post goes out on a Wednesday when are you going to record, edit and write? Is that going to be on the day by the seat of you pants or is it going to be at the weekend. It is good to have a degree of flexibility and remember to give yourself enough time. If you are new to blogging and vlogging, it may take you longer to do than someone who is a bit more seasoned at it so just bear that in mind.
3. So now sit and have a good think about what content you want to create. Sit and write down all of your ideas. Best get the kettle on for this bit!
4. Now take your ideas and plan in when you are going to be able to actually get them done.
5. If possible try and get a couple down in advance so that you always have something to fall back on if you are ill or just fancy a day off.
6. Remember to have fun with it. If you don't enjoy it you will find that it becomes a chore rather than an enjoyable process!
There is no download this week as I think that this is a subject quite unique and individual. Maybe use the free download that I gave away in week one as the diary pages have the two do list in like I showed you in this weeks video.
See you next week for more Filofax Friday Fun! All the F's!!
Thank you for watching / reading folks and enjoy your planning.
Remember your planner will only work for you and help keep you organised and on track if you use it.