Friday, 30 September 2016

6 hole punch for any size planner

I was sent one of the new Rapesco hole punches to try and show to you guys. This new punch, punches all 6 ring ring planners and all sizes! This particular punch is available here: but other colours and products are also available.

By submitting an entry to this giveaway you agree to the following Terms & Conditions:

  • Your email address will be added to my newsletter database - I will not sell this to anyone else nor will I constantly be spamming you and you can unsubscribe at any time!
  • Your email address will also be passed to Rapesco and they may add you to their email newsletter database.
  • Open internationally
  • You must be over eighteen years of age or have parental / guardian permission.
  • The prizes stated above are the only prize(s) - no cash alternative.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and notified by email. Winner(s) will be announced on this page on the rafflecopter widget after the closing date.
  • If the winner(s) do not respond to my email within 48 hours a new winner(s) will be chosen

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Boho Planning

I have a confession to make...I am having commitment issues with my planner! I have for a while now. I bought my "unicorn" and still, I find, I cannot commit. Planner peace is elusive. It is for me anyway. I'm always looking for new and fresh ideas which don't tend to suit planning. Unless it's creative planning, but then I'm more the creative as opposed to the planner! I believe it's all down to me being more right brain! I rarely enter the territory of left brain!!! I'm also no longer a lover of ring bound anything! I'm a TN (Travelers Notebook) girl all the way! I have, therefore, shelved all my planners, pulled out my TN's, and printed off a small planner without the intimidation of huge amounts of space to fill. Next I covered it using one of the sheets of paper from this months Brimbles box. I then printed off October's planner and used ephemera from the box to decorate it.

You really do have to use, not what you think looks good, but what works for you. There are so many different planners out there, but at the end of the day, when it comes to planning, it has to be practical or you won't use it! The one I have is small. It may not be right for me in months/years to come but it fits my lifestyle now. I used the gorgeous stickers from Anna's box to decorate it giving it a very Autumnal feel. By the way, these are her own pieces of art!

The theme of this months box actually fit the theme of my planning style, namely, Boho planning. I have to say that, so far, this is my favorite box. I only say that because the Bohemian style is my absolutely favorite! Dreamcatchers, feathers, arrows...I'm all over it! Just check out the contents...

In my next post I will show you how I have used the stickers and stamps for my TN journals. Check out my Instagram for regular posts and my YouTube channel to see the unboxing for this months box. Planner insert is from Paws Plan Create on Etsy.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Planning for Christmas 2016

Every year I do like to do a planning for Christmas series. Now some of you are probably flinching already as it is only September and I mentioned the C word. I am not going to apologise for that because Christmas is my thing and I love to plan for it.

This year I am not going to run a 'formal' series but more of a vloggy style look into what we are up to in the Brim household as we plan for Christmas.

If you would like to see the series that I did previously with lots of free inserts for you to print and use at home just click here!

I have a free insert for this week. Just click on the image below to open it 'big', right click and save!

Please just a reminder that these digital inserts are for your own personal use only and are not to be re-sold either as digital downloads or as hard copy printouts. You may post photos etc. of these inserts in use on your blog or social media platforms but credit must be given to me the creator: Anna Brim / Mrs Brimbles /

Friday, 16 September 2016

Planner Inserts from Dodo Pad

I was sent some inserts from the lovely people at Dodo Pad to share with you guys so here we are! Check them out and the other paper products and planners they do here:

PLEASE NOTE: I was given this / these product(s) in exchange for my honest review and opinion, the fact that I was given these does not alter my opinion in anyway. This review is my own personal opionion on the product / company, given in good faith and has not be sponsored or endorsed. None of the links are affiliate links. Unless otherwise stated, all photography is my own.

Thursday, 15 September 2016

October Instagram Challenge is back for 2016!

October Instagram Challenge is back!

You guys have asked if I will be doing another instagram challenege for October. Errrrr yeah! It is totally and utterly my favourite time of year so of course, I can't wait! I love seeing all of your photos especially the seasonal ones!

REMEMBER as with all of my daily photo challenges I have designed the prompts to be interpreted in a way that suits you, loosely based on the things that I love: Planners (and planner decoration), Stationery, Journals, Books, food, the season etc. You interpret them however you like but most importantly have fun with it. They are just prompts to help you. Take them literally if you like or be imaginative. For example 'Book' could be a book you are reading or it could be something that you need to book. Share your life or share your planner or journal. Use them as photo prompts or use them as journalling prompts. Anything goes! It's totally for fun so just share a photo every day. You don't have to enter to win the prize, you can just play along with the prompts for fun, entirely up to you, the more the merrier!

What is the prize? £20 store credit for

Please do make sure that you read all guidelines on how to enter and the rules below oh and if you want to be in with winning the prize you will need to register on the giveaway widget below too! 

Please do feel free to share the above photo on instagram, Pinterest, your blog etc or print out to put into your planner or journal.
Please do feel free to share the above photo on instagram, Pinterest, your blog etc or print out to put into your planner or journal.

The Rules for the instagram challenge... 

I know, so boring that there needs to be rules but there does so that everyone is clear on what they need to do and to keep it fair to everyone participating!
  • You must post all 31 photos on instagram using #mrsbrimblesOCTdaily you may also want to use #mrsbrimblesOCTdaily2016 (although not compulsory) as the challenge is now in it's 3rd year!
  • You need to be following me on instagram: @mrsbrimbles please do not tag me in your photos as I will get lots of notifications. I will see your photos on the hashtag!
  • The prompts are just that, prompts, interpret them as you will, or if you are stuck for inspiration just post a photo anyway! If it is easier you can do a different prompt on that day as long as by the end of the challenge you have done all 31. Do two on one day if you need to, don't worry about missing days as long as you post all 31. Have a break, come back again. You just need to post 31 photos in the time frame given.
  • You have until 7am GMT on 5th November 2016 to register for the giveaway on the widget below AND to complete the photo challenge on instagram.
  • If you haven't registered on the widget you won't be elligible to win the prize so you will just be doing the challenge for fun which is totally fine with me if it is with you.You can register at any time from now but photo posting on instagram starts on 1st October 2016.
  • You DO NOT have to post everyday but you do have to post all 31 photos by 7am GMT on 5th November 2016. You DO NOT have to post in numerical order, you can post any prompt on any day and any number of photos on any day.
  • Once the competition has closed a winner will be drawn by random using the giveaway widget, and emailed. I will ask you to confirm / prove that you have posted all 31 photos in the time frame 1st October - 5th November 2016, if not another winner will be chosen. The winners name will appear on the giveaway widget once closed.
  • The winner will be emailed by me to arrange receipt of the prize. 

By submitting an entry to this giveaway you agree to the following Terms & Conditions: 
  • Your email address will be added to my newsletter database - I will not sell this to anyone else nor will I constantly be spamming you and you can unsubscribe at any time! 
  • Open internationally
  • You must be over eighteen years of age or have parental / guardian permission.
  • The prizes stated above are the only prize(s) - no cash alternative.
  • One winner will be chosen at random and notified by email. Winner(s) will be announced on this page on the rafflecopter widget after the closing date.
  • If the winner(s) do not respond to my email within 48 hours a new winner(s) will be chosen

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

September Planner Pages

For my final layout in September this year, I couldn't go past using the gorgeous items included in the August Brimbles Box (check out my unboxing here). The gorgeous pinks and blues and yellows in this box absolutely say "Spring" to me - plus there's cups of tea and I've been drinking tea non-stop over the last few months.
I also really love the little motivational messages that Anna includes on her sticker sheets, because it's important to see those little messages daily. As much as I like to think that I'm pretty good at maintaining a peaceful existence amongst the crazy daily-jobs that need to be done, sometimes I just need to see it written down and allow myself a moment to re-center myself and keep on going.
The little ephemera packs that Anna includes are great for all sorts of things.I've used them for Project Life, cut them out and used them as ephemera, but this time I really wanted to use this little business-card sized piece as a title for my page. While my inserts have a section for notes, I rarely use it for that - I like to have a 'title' or central focus for my decorative layouts to help tie everything else together, and this card fit the bill this week.
I'm also a big fan of mixing and matching sticker sheets, so along with Anna's stickers, I also incorporated the stickers from Sea Salt and Paper throughout my spread. (They tie in beautifully with the washi tape down the centre of my inserts!)
I like to think that I have the same expression as the gorgeous little tea girl when I drink my tea!
And that is my finished layout. I will include my process video down below in case you would like to see how this layout came together and in which order things were laid down.
I hope that wherever you are in the world, you've having an amazing week - and remember to bee-lieve in yourself!

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Wedding Planning Kit

Some exciting news for our sister in law is getting married. What present do I give her for her engagement? A wedding planning kit of course, need you ask! Here is a look at the kit that I put together for her. Most of the items I took out of stock at which as you know is my shop! The other stickers shown were from:

PLEASE NOTE: I paid for these stickers with my own money. This review is my own personal opionion on the product / company, given in good faith and has not be sponsored or endorsed. None of the links are affiliate links. Unless otherwise stated, all photography is my own.

Friday, 9 September 2016

Design Team Call!

Do you love getting creative in your planner and / or journals? Are you social and like to interact with like-minded creative people? Do you enjoy sharing photos of your planner and journals? Do you enjoy playing with new products every month? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you just might be the right fit for the Mrs Brimbles design team.

Let me tell you what it is all about

Basically every month I will send you the Brimbles Box for that month and occassionally from time to time, other goodies too. As part of the design team perks, you will have a permanent discount code for 25% off any purchases you would like to make at

The design team is open to creative planners and journal keepers. If this is not you but you would still like to be on the team, why not apply anyway! If the products that I sell are in line with your creative pursuits you may still be a good fit.

Being on the design team also means that you will also get exposure for your blog / social media and your artistic talent! Everything that you do with your goodies I will also share and you will also have ‘presence’ on my blog for the duration of your DT inclusion. The design team will run until 31st August 2017 and either party can resign / withdraw at any time without notice or reason, all I ask is that if I have sent you something you just finish up with that before you go.

This opportunity is open internationally.

In return for receiving the items from me you will be required to:
  • Share an ‘unboxing’ of what you received each month on your Blog / YouTube / Social Media Accounts etc. and what you did with the products.
  • Create something(s) using the items that you have received and submit a blog post with photographs for inclusion on my blog: once a month (timetable to be agreed with the final DT). With the same post (possible tailored to your audience) shared on your blog too and of course I will link back to you at all times.
  • Be active in the Mrs Brimbles Facebook group, sharing your creative posts in the group and helping to admin
  • Input ideas in to future boxes
So just to clarify, you will need to create a project each month along with sharing your new products. Of course you can do more if you would like to, it would be very welcome and I will always re-tweet / re-gram etc


If you would like to apply please send an email to: with the subject DT CALL APPLICATION and include the following information but please keep it fairly brief and not reams and reams as I do read them all.
  • Your Name
  • Country you live in (just so we know, this is not what we will be basing your submission on!)
  • Links / Addresses to your Blog, YouTube and social media accounts (Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, instagram etc). Please note that you do not need to have all of the aforementioned social media accounts, if you do that is great. The only prerequisite is that you have a blog for sharing your DT creations on. Your blog doesn't have to be long standing or have a huge following but you do need to have one.
  • Are you a creative planner or journal keeper? what do you do and why?
  • Tell me a bit about you and why you would like to be on the design team / what you could bring creatively to the team?
  • In your application please include photos on how you have decorated your planner or journal. Please give direct links to where photos can be found if you haven’t sent them by email (please share specific project links and NOT your general instagram link for example)
Closing Date for submitting your application is Sunday 25th September 2016. Please note that I will not get back to you confirming the decision until after 25th September – I will need time to think and read through them all. I may get back to you sooner but don’t panic if you don’t hear until after 25th. You will know I have received your application as you will receive an email auto reply.
The successful applicant(s) will be emailed and will be announced on my blog and social media and you will be required to share your photo so we can all see who is who but you don’t need to worry about that until you are on the team.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch. Please email: using DT QUESTIONS as your subject line. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

On application close, I will assess all of the applications together and then choose, which is most likely going to be very difficult! There is currently one spot open but who knows, I may choose more than one. Most likely Mr B will help me choose. Just to clarify I will be selecting based on your creativity and the best fit for the products that I sell and not on your Country or the fact you don’t have a YouTube channel etc so please do not let that deter you from applying.

Good Luck and I can’t wait to see your entries!!

p.s. if you need any help or advice on how to apply to be on mine or any other design team, please read my blog post here:

Images shown in this email are curtesy of my current amazing DT - thank you ladies x