Friday 21 March 2014

Re-evaluating your goals - Filofax Friday - Week 11

Well hello there Filofax Friends! Do you realise that it has been nearly three months since we first looked at setting ourselves some goals! I know crazy, where has the time gone.

Have you even looked at your goals since you set them? Have you achieved your goals? Well either way it is time to look at those goals again. I don't have much to write today in way of an introduction here on the blog as it is all pretty much in this weeks video. Keep reading for your homework though!  

Remember it is not compulosry, no one will know if you have done it or not. I am just setting prompts / tasks for you to help and motivate you in this series. Pick and choose each week whether you would like to do the homework or not it is entirely up to you! If you ever need to ask or clarify anything with me please do get in touch through any of the social media platforms. Sometimes it takes a while but I do reply to each and every message that is left for me.

Please watch the video first as it will make more sense than just going into these cold. 

1. Right then folks, this week I want you to go back to the original goals that you set yourself in week one. Dust off the cobwebs if you haven't looked at them in three months and now I want you to honestly ask yourself these questions. Remember to be honest with yourself, after all it is only you that you are cheating!
  •  What barriers are in the way of achieving your goal? Are they real barriers or are they barriers you have put in place because you are scared? How can you remove those barriers? Can you?
  • What actions have you taken in the last week / month to move your goal forward? If the answer to this is non then I suggest you take a look at your goals and ask yourself if this is a goal you still want to pursue!
  • Do you need to re-work you original goal? Have things surrounding this changed or moved on?
  • Do you struggle with the execution of your goal?
  • Have you needed to use any resources to work towards your goal?
  • Does your original goal still excite you? Do you still have the passion for it?
2. So now you have done that, I want you to use your answers and do one or more of the following:
  • Tick the goals off your list
  • Chunk your goals down into more managable pieces
  • Diarise action steps, time when you are going to actually work on or at your goal(s)
  • Remove your goal(s)
  • Set new goal(s)
You may want to print off a new goal setting sheet so that it looks neater and you can see your goals and action points more clearly rather than looking at crossings out. Remember to save the sheet though as you may want to refer back to it at a later date.

If you feel you need to, you may want to look at week one again for a refresher on setting goals and you can do that by clicking here.

3. If you are a journaller, maybe you would like to journal about how it felt to accomplish your goals and the sense of achievement it gave you. Or about what you are going to do to achieve those goals. There is nothing like having a dream to focus on and when you accomplish that, you can look at all the journalling you did and see how much it meant to you.

There isn't a new download for this week but I am referring you back to week one which is the goal setting sheet that I refer to in this video along with bonus diary pages with the to do list section on them. The download comes in both personal and A5 size. You will need software that can 'unzip' the folder to release the files as both pdf and jpeg.  To download the files  week 1 please click here. Please note that the inserts that I am offering as freebies as part of this series are different to the ones that I sell, so if you have already purchased a set of my inserts these are in addition for you. If you haven't purchased any of my inserts and would like to or just have a nose at them you can view them in my Etsy shop here. Please note: These inserts are entirely free and a gift from me and only the inserts provided are free, I say this because I know some people might prefer one of the other designs that I offer but it is only the ones in the freebie set on offer at this time.

Next Week
Next week...well I have a couple of ideas in the pipeline so I am not sure which one I am going to share but there definitely will be a next week!


When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don't adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.
~ Confucius

Thank you for watching / reading folks and enjoy your planning.

Remember your planner will only work for you and help keep you organised and on track if you use it.


  1. Enjoyed listening to you talk about this and it's been something that has been on my mind too. Great minds think alike hey :) Anywayz just wanted to ask where the link for January is as I'm a newbie to your blog. tfs x

    1. Hiya, thanks for that. It is actually in this blog post in the download heading just a few lines above : )

  2. Excellent Video! I love this!
